In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/d2k/ctrl/path.h:a class for paths that are defined relative to a link rather than in world coordinates.
Public Fields
link* l
- the link whose coordinates the path is defined in
payload* relPayload
- the payload (if any) whose coordiates the path is defined in.
const char* relativePayloadLabel
- the label of the payload (if any) to use for relPayload
triple btoolForce
- body-space force to apply along the path, if useApplidForce is 1
triple btoolTorque
- body-space torque to apply along the path, if useApplidForce is 1
int computeLinkPath
- if 1, indicates that the velocity commands generated by computeVel should be modified so that l's COM follows a straight-line trajectory.
Public Methods
- constructor
- destructor
Inherited from path:
Public Fields
int np
int currentPt
int targetPt
double targetDist
int useSameTol
double* tol
double* vTol
double* angleTol
double vel
double omega
double maxAcc
double maxOmegaDot
triple* waypt
quaternion* orientation
int* stopAtPoint
Public Methods
virtual int setVariables(const ptrList* taskParams)
virtual int getTargetPoint(const triple &pos, const quaternion &q, triple &targetPos, quaternion &targetQ)
virtual void getPoint(int i, triple &pos, quaternion &q)
virtual void modifyEndpointPoseAndPath(triple &pos, quaternion &q, triple &tpos, quaternion &tq)
virtual void modifyVelocityCommand(triple &v, triple &omega)
virtual void setNumPoints(int n, int useSameTol)
Public Fields
int pathNum
int endPtNum
int reachedStart
int reachedEnd
int usePayload
payload* pl
int useAppliedForce
triple toolForce
triple toolTorque
endPointRec* endPt
const char* payloadLabel
int payloadConnectorID
int alignPayload
Public Methods
virtual void getStartPoint(triple &t, quaternion &q)
virtual vector computeVel(double dt, quaternion* outputFrame = NULL)
virtual void reset(void)
virtual int atStart(void)
virtual int done(void)
virtual double completion(void)
virtual triple computeCrossTrackError(triple &pos)
virtual triple computeOrientationError(quaternion &q)
Public Fields
d2kSimulator* sim
configuration* cfg
const char* label
int active
Public Methods
virtual int minCfgs(void) const
virtual int maxCfgs(void) const
virtual const char* getCfgName(int i)
virtual int readParams(paramParser* parser)
virtual int simInit(d2kSimulator* Sim)
virtual int init(ptrList* Cfgs)
virtual int forceCfgResolution(void)
virtual int cleanup(void)
virtual int update(int &violated)
virtual const cfgLabelRecord* getLabelRec(int i) const
Public Fields
static int staticClassID
int objectID
int verboseLevel
Public Methods
virtual const char* className(void) const
virtual synObject* copy(void) const
virtual int isOfType(int typeNum, int derivedOk)
static int setStaticClassID(void)
virtual int classID(void) const
a class for paths that are defined relative to a link rather than
in world coordinates. The link can either be part of a robot
or a payload.
File variables
- char relativePayloadLabel[] - (optional) Specifies the label
of the payload which the path is relative to. If this is not
supplied, then it is assumed that the d2kSimulator or another d2kComponent
will properly set l.
- int computeLinkPath = 0(optional)
Also see genericPath documentation for
other variables.
See the member documentation for more information on these variables.
link* l
- the link whose coordinates the path is defined in
payload* relPayload
- the payload (if any) whose coordiates the path is defined in. l is
set to relPayload->l when relPayload is non-NULL.
const char* relativePayloadLabel
- the label of the payload (if any) to use for relPayload
triple btoolForce
- body-space force to apply along the path, if useApplidForce is 1
triple btoolTorque
- body-space torque to apply along the path, if useApplidForce is 1
int computeLinkPath
- if 1, indicates that the velocity commands generated by computeVel
should be modified so that l's COM follows a straight-line
trajectory. Defaults to 0.
- constructor
- destructor
- This class has no child classes.
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