In file locomotion.h:

class balloonWheel

a compliant spherical wheel.


Inherited from sphericalWheel:

Inherited from wheelModule:

Public Methods

ovirtual int addContactInfo(dynoContactor* dc, int flags = DYNO_COMPUTE_OBSTACLE_CONTACTS)
ovirtual joint* getJoint(void)
ovirtual triple axis(void) const
ovirtual double velocity(void) const
ovirtual triple center(void) const
ovirtual triple omega(void) const
ovirtual int isCylindrical(void)

Inherited from locomotorModule:

Inherited from toolModule:

Public Fields

oquaternion q
otriple x
oquaternion qlink
otriple xlink
opart* tcpPart
odouble kp
odouble kv
optrList* contactParts

Public Methods

ovirtual int isCompliant(void)
oint computeLinkCoords(void)
oinline void getWorldCoords(triple &xworld, quaternion &qworld) const
oinline triple getWorldPt(void) const

Inherited from module:

Public Fields

ostatic int currentID
ostatic const tmatrix connectionRotation
oconfiguration* cfg
oint ref
ochar* name
obool isPrototype
ohandedness whichSide
omodule* parent
oassembly* as
optrList* params
optrList* attachments
ocptrList* components
oconst componentContext* context

Public Methods

Virtual methods.

convenience functions

oinline const ptrList* getDependencies(int whichParam)

Public Members

oenum subType
oenum handedness

Protected Methods

ovoid assignConnectorIDs(void)

Inherited from synObject:

Public Fields

ostatic int staticClassID
oint objectID
oint verboseLevel

Public Methods

ovirtual const char* className(void) const
ovirtual synObject* copy(void) const
ovirtual int isOfType(int typeNum, int derivedOk)
ostatic int setStaticClassID(void)
ovirtual int classID(void) const


a compliant spherical wheel. The density of the surface material is assumed to be 0.5kg/m^2, from which the mass of the wheel is computed.


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