Header file for classes relating to contact and collision detection
cdObject - a base type for objects used in collision detection
cdPolyhedronObstacle - a fixed polyhedral obstacle
cdBody - Represents link geometry for collision detection
dynoCollisionOperation - Indicates what collision checking and/or contact computation should be done for a link added to a dynoContactor or dynoCollisionDetector.
cdPair - a pair of objects that should be checked for collisions
dynoSelfCollisionLevel - Indicates the level of mechanism self-collisions that should be checked for by the dynoCollisionDetector.
dynoCollisionDetector - This class performs collision detection and, optionally, intersection calculation for cdBodies and their derived classes.
dynoContactor - Detects collisions between objects and adds contact constraints and/or influences to the dynamicSystem so that contact can be simulated.
dynoWheelInfo - Stores wheel geometry information used when creating rolling contacts.
cdRecord - bookkeepping class used by dynoContactor
dynoContact - contact constraint/influence/patch container class
This file contains definitions for classes relating to
collision detection and contact.
Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes
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