In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/dyno/mechanism/dynoConstraint.h:A unilateral constraint for an ideal tether between a link and a fixed world point
Public Methods
- constructor
tetherConstraint(link* l, const triple &bodyPt, const triple &anchorPt, double* len = NULL, svScalar* lenDotDot = NULL, part* P = NULL)
- constructor.
Public Fields
mechanism* mech
ptrList* otherMechs
linkForceRecord* frec
matrix Jc
double cDotTol
vector C
vector Cdot
int jdirty
int* _hasPosLimit
double* maxForce
double* minForce
vector prevF
int eindex
int iindex
int fdindex
int inSystem
double kp
double kv
Public Methods
inline int index(void) const
virtual int correctDrift(int i) const
inline virtual double computeCorrection(int i, int includeVel)
inline virtual int hasPosLimit(int i) const
inline virtual int hasNegLimit(int i) const
inline virtual int hasForceLimits(void) const
inline virtual void allocatePosLimits(void)
virtual void print(int printVal = 0)
virtual int createConstraintEquations(void)
virtual int deleteConstraintEquations(void)
virtual int setDynamicValues(void)
virtual const double* getCoefficients(int whichDof) const
virtual int resize(int newSize)
virtual int setDirtyFlags(void)
virtual int updateFlags(void)
inline virtual int isBilateral(void) const
inline virtual int isFrictional(int i) const
virtual int eval(int onlyConst = 0)
inline virtual double computeFStep(vector &a, vector &da, vector &f, vector &df, int i)
inline virtual double computeAStep(vector &a, vector &da, vector &f, vector &df, int i)
virtual int satisfied(const vector &a, const vector &f, int j)
inline virtual int needsImpulse(int i)
int computeJacobian(void)
virtual int violated(void)
virtual int applyToMech(mechanism* m, int subtract = 0)
int getGeneralizedForce(vector &gf)
virtual const linkForceRecord* getForces(void)
Public Fields
dynamicSystem* ds
int active
int stateSize
Public Methods
inline virtual int getState(double* state)
inline virtual int setState(const double* state)
inline virtual int reset(void)
Public Fields
static int staticClassID
int objectID
int verboseLevel
Public Methods
virtual const char* className(void) const
virtual synObject* copy(void) const
virtual int isOfType(int typeNum, int derivedOk)
static int setStaticClassID(void)
virtual int classID(void) const
A unilateral constraint for an ideal tether between a link and
a fixed world point
- constructor
tetherConstraint(link* l, const triple &bodyPt, const triple &anchorPt, double* len = NULL, svScalar* lenDotDot = NULL, part* P = NULL)
- constructor. l is the link attached to the tether. bodyPt is
the location of the attachment in link coordinates. anchorPt is
the world-space location of the anchor. len, if non-NULL, can
specify a pointer to a variable holding the current length of
the tether, and lenDotDot (if non-NULL) can specify an svScalar
that computes the acceleration of the tether.
- This class has no child classes.
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