Core classes for the dyno library.
connection - connection class - a connection between 2 connectors.
connector - connector - a coordinate frame located on a part.
polyhedronFace - polyhedronFace - polygon representation used by the mpoly class.
mpoly - The mpoly class represenents a polyhedra and its material properties.
mpolyType - Enumerates the different uses of mpolys.
part - Parts are the basic building blocks from which links are made.
joint - joint - a connection between links.
ownerSegment - The ownerSegment keeps track of a contiguous block of parts that all have the same owner 'm'.
linkForceRecord - records external forces applied to a link, for purposes of structural analysis
link - The link class represents rigid bodies, either freely-moving or part of a mechanism.
mechanism - Represents a mechanism composed of links (rigid bodies) connected by joints.
assembly - assemblies are groups of parts linked together by connections.
dynamicSystem - container class for multiple mechanisms, influences, and other simulation objects.
dynoObject - base class for objects that interact with a dynamicSystem, such as dynoInfluences, dynoConstraints, dynoTimers, and dynoComponents.
dynoComponent - base class for objects that must get updated at every simulation time step.
(*postAccelHookCB) - A callback used by the postAccelHook class.
postAccelHook - a dynoComponent that calls a user-defined function immediately after the dynamicSystem's acceleration has been computed
dynoTimer - an object that gets called periodically during simulation.
This file declares the core classes used by the dyno library. Other
related classes (such as dynoConstraints and dynoObjects) are declared
in several other files, listed under 'See also' below.
- See Also:
- dynoUser.h
Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes
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