In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/d2k/terrain/terrain.h:Class for managing terrain and locomotor module objects.
Public Fields
dynoContactor* dc
- The dynoContactor being used for computing contacts
terrainMaterial* defaultSoil
- default soil material
terrainMaterial* defaultRock
- default rock material
double tol
- Tolerance used by dc
char terrainFilename[200]
- The filename containing terrain polyhedra
ptrList terrainRecs
- A list of objects that are part of the terrain
int checkLinkCollisions
- Indicates whether DYNO_CHECK_LINK_COLLISIONS should be set when adding locomotorModules to dynoContactor.
Public Methods
int addTerrainFromFile(const char* fname, terrainMaterial* m = NULL)
- Reads terrain objects from a file, in the format used by daReadObstacles()
int addTerrainShape(mpoly* mp, double muS, double muD, terrainMaterial* m = NULL)
- Adds an mpoly to the terrain
int removeTerrainShape(mpoly* mp)
- Removes an mpoly from the terrain
int clearTerrain(void)
- Removes all terrain objects
inline cdPolyhedronObstacle* getTerrainObj(int i)
- Returns the cdPolyhedonObstacle corresponding to the i'th terrain object
inline cdRecord* getTerrainRec(int i)
- Returns the cdRecord for the i'th terrain object
Public Fields
d2kSimulator* sim
configuration* cfg
const char* label
int active
Public Methods
virtual int minCfgs(void) const
virtual int maxCfgs(void) const
virtual const char* getCfgName(int i)
virtual int readParams(paramParser* parser)
virtual int setVariables(const ptrList* taskParamRecs)
virtual int simInit(d2kSimulator* Sim)
virtual int init(ptrList* Cfgs)
virtual int forceCfgResolution(void)
virtual int cleanup(void)
virtual int update(int &violated)
virtual const cfgLabelRecord* getLabelRec(int i) const
Public Fields
static int staticClassID
int objectID
int verboseLevel
Public Methods
virtual const char* className(void) const
virtual synObject* copy(void) const
virtual int isOfType(int typeNum, int derivedOk)
static int setStaticClassID(void)
virtual int classID(void) const
Class for managing terrain and locomotor module objects. The terrain
model adds both terrain objects and locomotor module objects to a
dynoContactor. locomotor modules have special callback functions for
creating and updating contact influences and constraints, some of which
depend on terrain properties. Thus, the terrain model also serves as
a repository for terrain-specific information such as soil mechanical
properties. The terrainGenerator only adds locomotor modules to
the dynoContactor that computes contacts, via toolModule::addContactInfo.
For more general-purpose collision checking and contact simulation,
the collisionDetector class can be used.
dynoContactor* dc
- The dynoContactor being used for computing contacts
terrainMaterial* defaultSoil
- default soil material
terrainMaterial* defaultRock
- default rock material
double tol
- Tolerance used by dc
char terrainFilename[200]
- The filename containing terrain polyhedra
ptrList terrainRecs
- A list of objects that are part of the terrain
int checkLinkCollisions
- Indicates whether DYNO_CHECK_LINK_COLLISIONS should be set
when adding locomotorModules to dynoContactor. This is only used
if there is no collisionDetector among the d2kSimulator's list of
int addTerrainFromFile(const char* fname, terrainMaterial* m = NULL)
- Reads terrain objects from a file, in the format used by
int addTerrainShape(mpoly* mp, double muS, double muD, terrainMaterial* m = NULL)
- Adds an mpoly to the terrain
int removeTerrainShape(mpoly* mp)
- Removes an mpoly from the terrain
int clearTerrain(void)
- Removes all terrain objects
inline cdPolyhedronObstacle* getTerrainObj(int i)
- Returns the cdPolyhedonObstacle corresponding to the i'th terrain object
inline cdRecord* getTerrainRec(int i)
- Returns the cdRecord for the i'th terrain object
- This class has no child classes.
- See Also:
- collisionDetector
Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java
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